Integrate Visually Enhanced System Files into XP Source to Improve GUI
Many people like to install and use Vista Transformation pack and other GUI enhancers to improve the their Graphical User Interface.These packs have to be installed manually after installation XP.
However there is a tool which can directly integrate visually enhanced files in to the XP Installation Source.So , when you install XP you will directly be presented the improved and enhanced GUI.Your XP installation screens will also be visually enhanced.
SlipStreaming Windows Media Player 11 to XP Installation Source
Windows Media Player 11 is the latest Media Player released by Microsoft.It is not included by default in the XP Installation Disk.Windows XP users will have to manually download and install it. You can avoid doing this by integrating Windows Media Player 11 into your XP Installation Source by using a tool called Windows Media Player 11 Slipstreamer.
Creating an Updated Windows XP Installation Disk
Aim:To create a XP Installation CD with all the latest updates from Microsoft. What you need:XP Installation CD,Ryan VM Integrator,Ryan’s Update Pack and Service Packs(If your XP CD has not been slipstreamed). Step 1:Slipstream Service Pack 2 and 3 to the installation files. Skip this step if you have already have slipstreamed the service packs.