Browsing articles tagged with "repair Archives - AgniPulse"

JetFlash Online Recovery – Repair your Transcend USB Drives for free

JetFlash Online recovery is a USB Tool Developed by Transcend to repair the JetFlash USB Drives .These USB Drives use the Alcor Chip and the JetFlash Online Recovery is basically a wrapper for the AlcorMP Mass Production tool.This tool requires a internet connection and can fix bad sectors and other formatting errors.It also fixes any damageĀ  caused by AlcorMP Mass Production Tool .So if you have changed your JetFlash USB Drive to a fixed drive […]


How I fixed a fake 64GB USB Drive

A Sony 64GB USB Drive turned out to be a fake USB Drive having only 249 MB of usable space.


Repair Corrupt Word Documents

Today my friend called me and told me that a particular word document was not opening on his computer.According to him ,his mother was working on the document and when she saved it ,the computer hung.That particular document could not be opened after restarting the computer. So I concluded that the meta data of the file was not saved correctly and hence word was not opening it. Also the problem with my friends computer was […]