Fortune – An Interesting Command in Ubuntu
I found an interesting command in Ubuntu today. Go the Terminal and enter fortune. It displays an interesting epigram. [ad]
Terminal History
I found an interesting command in ubuntu. Go to terminal and type history and press enter. Voila!You get a long list all terminal commands that have executed. To clear the history type history -c More details about the history command can be found here. http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2008/08/15-examples-to-master-linux-command-line-history/ [ad]
Hidden Shortcut in Grub
Many people are using Ubuntu nowadays and almost all ubuntu users also have windows installed. To load your choice of operating system a boot manager is used.In the above case the Grub boot manager which comes along with Ubuntu is used to select the operating system to load.The boot manager displays a menu which lists installed operating systems.We use the up and down arrow keys to navigate the menu and the Enter key to select […]
Shortcut Keys which you did not know
Windows Ctrl+Shift+Esc :-Task Manager Winkey+R :-Run Dialog Shift+F10 :- Equivalent of Right Clicking Ubuntu Ctrl+Alt+Backspace :-Reloads current Sessions (Easy way of logging out) Alt+F2 :-Run Dialog Shift+F10 :- Equivalent of Right Clicking Crtl+Alt+Shift+F10 :-Black Screen of Death
Easily mount iso files as virtual drives in ubuntu
The biggest flaw in Gmount-iso, AcetoneIso ,Furius ISO Mount and mount.sh scripts is that THEY CANNOT MOUNT ISO IMAGES USING THE UDF FORMAT. I recently download WAIK from microsoft.com and tried mounting it in ubuntu using the following methods, mount.sh(kernel loop module),GmountIso and AcetoneIso. None of them could mount it correctly.The mount folder contained a single file called readme.txt This file contained the following message This disc contains a “UDF” file system and requires an […]