
Log into Administrator Account from the welcome screen

At the welcome screen in Windows Operating systems you will find a list of users into which you can log into.But the Administrator account does in appear in this list.The Administrator account appears in the welcome screen only when you boot in safe mode.

To log into the Administrator account from the welcome screen

Press and hold Ctrl+Alt+Del at the Welcome Screen until you get the Classic Login Prompt.Alternatively you can Press Ctrl+Alt+Del twice to get the Classic Login Prompt.

Enter Administrator as the username and the password of the Administrator account.

Thats it.You have now logged into the Administrator account from the Welcome screen.

If you have a single user account,then most probably your computer does not display the Welcome Screen.You will automatically be logged in to your user account.

In that case you can do two things

  • Logout after you are automatically logged in.
  • Press and hold Shift on the keyboard after the Windows Splash screen is displayed during the boot process.

Now you will be at the Welcome Screen and you can log into the Administartor account by following the above steps.




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