
Automate Telnet Commands

Telnet can be used to perform operations like configuring a router.These operations cannot be used in batch files to automate the process.
Ts10 can be used to automate telnet commands in Windows.
Expect can be used to automate telnet commands in Linux.

Example Windows
Restart a Huwaei ADSL2+ router automatically using a batch file
1.Create a text file restart.txt in folder c:\router
WAIT "Login: "
SEND "admin\m"
WAIT "Password: "
SEND "admin\m"
WAIT "--> "
SEND "system restart\m"

2.Download Ts10 to c:\router
3.Create a batch file restart.bat in c:\router

chdir C:\router
TST10 /r:restart.txt /o:last_log.txt

Just execute the Restart.bat file to restart your Router.

Example Linux
1.Install Expect : sudo apt-get install expect for ubuntu
2.Create a file restart.sh

#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set timeout 20
set echo  off

set name admin
set routercmd "system restart\r"
# router password
set pass admin
# your router IP address
set routerip

spawn telnet $routerip
# send username & password
expect "Login: "
send "$name\r"
expect "Password: "
send "$pass\r"
expect -i "--> "
send $routercmd


3.Make Restart.sh executable

chmod u+x restart.sh

4.Execute the restart.sh script to restart your router.



About the Author: Bharat Balegere

Bharat Balegere is a 27 year old blogger from Bengaluru. He is a technology enthusiast and loves tinkering with computers and usb drives.

1 Comment + Add Comment

  • You are a life saver. Thanks. I was using expect/autoexpect on Ubuntu but that conked out and had to fall back on Windows 7. The Telnet Scripting Tool works beautifully, I had problems with it earlier because I missed out on the space after “Login: ” and “Password: “.

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