Linux Live USB Creator
LiveLinux USB Creator (formerly uSbuntu) is a free software for Windows that allows you to create a bootable Live USB key with a Linux on it.It supports many flavours and distros of Linux.It is written using AutoIt and the source code is freely available.The best thing about this software is that it offers an exclusive option of automatic virtualization using portable virtual box to directly run Linux in Windows without any configuration nor installation.
There are 5 steps in the interface and they are self explanatory.A detailed guide on each step is given here http://www.linuxliveusb.com/how-to.html.Each step has traffic lighst(red,orange and green) which indicate the status of the particular step.
Virtualization of USB Drive
Step 4 of interface has option called Enable launching of LinuxDrive in Windows .This downloads portable VirtualBox(66 mb) and automates the procedure given in one my earlier posts Boot your USB Drive in VirtualBox to run Linux in Windows without any configuration or installation.
After all the steps have been completed execute Virtualize_This_Key.exe located in the VirtualBox folder on your usb drive to start the portable virtualbox and boot from the usb drive.
Download LiveLinux USB Creator
LinuxLive USB Creator is currently supporting these Linuxes :
- Ubuntu / Kubuntu / Xubuntu 9.10 & 9.04 Desktop CD
- Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10new
- CentOS 5.4new *
- Debian Live 5.0.2 Gnome/KDE/LXDE/xFcenew *
- Damn Small linux 4.4.10new *
- Puppy Linux 4.3.1new *
- Toutou Linux 4.1.2new *
- Gparted Live 0.4.6-1new *
- Clonezilla 1.2.2-31new *
- Fedora 11 (KDE / Gnome) Live CD
- Kuki 2.8
- Mint 6 & 7 Main Edition
- Crunchbang 9.04 Standard & Lite Editions
- Super OS 9.04
Screenshots :- http://www.linuxliveusb.com/en/screenshots.html
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