Create a Geexbox Movie DVD
You can create a movie DVD containing a tiny bootable Linux Operating System-GeeXbox.This can play your movies,music on any computer irrespective of whether the computer has an installed operating system or not.
You just have to boot from the DVD media.
Send Email to Airtel Karnataka numbers as SMS!
In my previous post,I have mentioned that I received notifications on my Airtel Number as SMS.These messages came from the number 600.I was wondering how the service works and this is what I found out.
Codepad.org – Compile and test your programs online!
I wanted to test some formatted printf outputs in C.My college browsing center did not have any c compilers.So I googled a bit and I found this site where I found test C Programs Online. http://codepad.org/ The following languages are supported in this site. C C++ D Haskell Lua OCaml PHP Perl Plain Text Python Ruby Scheme Tcl Damn useful.You can try out snippets of code on any computer that has an internet connection. [ad]
Fortune – An Interesting Command in Ubuntu
I found an interesting command in Ubuntu today. Go the Terminal and enter fortune. It displays an interesting epigram. [ad]
Terminal History
I found an interesting command in ubuntu. Go to terminal and type history and press enter. Voila!You get a long list all terminal commands that have executed. To clear the history type history -c More details about the history command can be found here. http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2008/08/15-examples-to-master-linux-command-line-history/ [ad]