Browsing articles tagged with "plugin Archives - AgniPulse"

Back up WordPress to Dropbox, Sugarsync, Azure, S3 and more

BackWPup Options

BackWPup is an impressive Wordpress Plugin which Backups your Wordpress installation and saves it in various cloud storage services such as Dropbox,SugarSync,Google Storage,Amazon S3,Azure,Rackspace Cloud,Email and Ftp.


4 WordPress Plugins to optimize CSS and Javascript

Optimzing CSS and Javascript speeds up your site and also helps in reducing bandwith usage. I found 4 plugins which helps you in optimizing CSS and Javascript files of your wordpress site. Wp-Minifier This plugin integrates the Minify engine into your WordPress blog. Once enabled, this plugin will combine and compress JS and CSS files to improve page load time. Minify is a PHP5 app that can combine multiple CSS or Javascript files, compress their […]


iLikeToBlog – WordPress Plugin for getting quality reciprocal Links

iLikeToBlog is a free wordpress plugin and link exchange service that helps you to easily build up quality organic backlinks on your blog.Dave of started this service. A struggle for many new bloggers is building up partnerships with other bloggers and getting quality backlinks for their blog. iLikeToBlog (ILTB) helps bloggers overcome these difficulties by providing them with a fast and easy to use interface for finding new bloggers to easily exchange links with. […]